The New Center Café Restaurant Opens Wednesday, January 12, 2022
The new Center Café restaurant has its own designated parking, exterior entrance, windows into the kitchen, a private dining/meeting room, and an outdoor dining area. Superintendent Steven Chrisman stated that the new restaurant provides, “a state-of-the-art facility that replicates the highest industry standards for employment, so when students leave here, they know exactly how to behave in any environment they’re put into.” Tony Stanislo, Chef and Restaurant Management instructor added, “I am excited for the future for our students, community and staff!”
Reservations are not required, yet are recommended. Please call 330.721.0229
Center Café Restaurant offers sit down lunch Wednesday through Friday from 10:30am to 1:00pm, October through mid-May. All foods are prepared and served by the students of the Chef & Restaurant Management program.
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