MCCC Career-Technical & Adult Education Advisory Council Guidelines

A local board of education-approved advisory council representing business/industry and the community is required for all programs. The advisory council is required to meet at least once annually and the minutes of all official advisory council meetings shall be kept on file as part of a school district’s official records. CTAE strongly encourages actively engaging the advisory council in all aspects of program improvement and student learning. It is recommended the advisory council should include appropriate representatives, industry or occupation for which the council is established, trade or professional organizations representing any relevant occupations, organized labor, parents, current and former students and other community representatives that can contribute to the advancement of the program.

Function of Advisory Councils

An advisory council is a group of highly-qualified individuals who provide industry-appropriate recommendations for continuous improvement of career-technical programs.

Advisory Council Member Responsibility

Each member is expected to attend the annual meeting, participate in council discussion, and contribute relevant input.  Members are asked to maintain confidentiality and discretion in discussing official matters outside of the council meeting.  Active, engaged council members are encouraged to partner with program teachers and students throughout the school year.

Awards of Excellence Recipients

The MCCC Award of Excellence is presented to an Advisory Council member who enhances the Medina County Career Center’s position as a leader in education and community impact; takes initiative to solve problems and improve the education and learning of students; consistently goes over and above in support of the Medina County Career Center’s mission.

Advisory Council Matrix

The Advisory Council Matrix is available for download for individual career-technical education majors, advisory members, and opportunities.

  • Business, Industry and Labor, 5-7 Members
  • Representatives of Higher Education, 1-2 Members
  • Community, Civic and Government, 1-2 Members
  • Parent, Current Student, or Graduate, 1 Member
  • Members should be enthusiastic about their field and the Medina County Career Center program they serve.
  • Members should be actively involved and/or currently employed in the industry represented by the council.
  • Members should be cooperative, knowledgeable persons who have expertise, leadership, and work experience in the career-technical program they serve.
  • Advisory council should include a diverse representation of race, ethnicity, and gender.There should not be more than two members from the same company or organization on an individual program advisory council.
  • Provide information and recommendations to assure that facilities, equipment, and teaching materials are up-to-date and similar to that used in business and industry.
  • Provide input and make recommendations that will strengthen and expand career-technical education and curriculum.
  • Encourage and strengthen partnerships between the Medina County Career Center and the business community.
  • Assist in providing authentic learning experiences for students.
  • Assists with Special Class
  • Serves as a Guest Speaker
  • Secures a Needed Donation for the Program/School
  • Secures Student Summer Internship Opportunity
  • Secures Senior Early Placement Position
  • Secures Position for New Graduate
  • Provides Job Shadowing Experience
  • Mentors a Student for One  Year
  • Contest Coordinator for SkillsUSA, HOSA, or BPA
  • Arranges for Educational Tour
  • Serves as Chairman of the Advisory Council
  • Services as Secretary for the Advisory Council
  • Recruits New Business or Community Partner for Advisory Council
  • Actively Supports the MCCC Foundation
  • Provides a Scholarship to Support Advanced Education
  • Serves as a Judge or Moderator for SkillsUSA, HOSA, BPA, etc.

Please complete this form if you are a current MCCC Advisory Council member and wish to update your contact information or if you are interested in becoming an Advisory Council member.  Thank you.