Student Handbook
A High School Diploma, High School Equivalent Diploma, General Education Development (GED) certificate or completed secondary-school education in a home- school setting treated as a home school or private school by state law is required for enrollment in the Career Development programs. However, students may enroll without a diploma or GED if they are participating in the Adult Diploma Program (applies to approved programs only) or complete a High School Equivalence Diploma before program graduation. Students that are foreign nationals and not able to provide proof of a high school diploma, may graduate if they attain a composite score of 14 on the WorkKeys tests. Students must pass the TABE assessment test (see Admission Procedure).
- Review program information, job outlook, graduation rates, median debt of students who completed the program and other important information, and speak with an Adult Education staff member to answer any questions.
- Take the TABE (Test of Adult Basic Education) assessment, or provide a score report indicating college readiness from ACT/SAT or a similar college placement exam taken within a five-year time frame. A college degree and official transcripts may be considered at the discretion of the Director.
- Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) application using the MCCC School Code (015612).
- Once you have received your Student Aid Report (SAR), schedule an appointment with the Director of Adult Education to review your eligibility for financial assistance. If you do not have access to a computer or would like help, contact the Adult Education Office at (330) 725-8461, ext. 155.
- Register with the $225 (non-refundable) application fee online; this will be applied to your tuition, once classes begin.
- Law Enforcement students must complete OPOTA forms and pass the required physical fitness assessment. Contact the Law Enforcement Commander at (330) 725-8461, ext. 272 for details.
- Schedule a background/fingerprinting appointment with the Adult Education Office. The cost of the background check is included in the $225 registration fee.
- Upload required documents to the online registration portal.
- Confirmation of your admission into the program will be verified with an acceptance letter.
- The first payment is due prior to the first class.
Students who begin classes will receive a refund according to the following schedule:
- A full refund will be given if the class is cancelled by the school.
- Refunds, when due, are made within 45 days of last day of attendance.
- The $225 registration fee is non- refundable.
- All books and supplies that have been distributed to students are non- refundable.
- Students withdrawing once class has begun will be assessed a $125 withdrawal fee.
- Students will be charged for time, which they were scheduled to be in school, on a per-hour basis beginning on the first day of class.
- Any student withdrawing, at any point during the second term, will be charged the full tuition and must also pay a $125 withdrawal fee.
- Financial Aid (Pell Grant) refunds will be made according to the Federal Return of Title IV Funds Policy.
- A withdrawn student is responsible for the difference between the Pell Award earned and the balance due to MCCC. Financial Aid recipients who withdraw from a course must be aware that, according
- to federal regulations, their financial aid grants may be reduced and/or they may be held responsible for repayment to MCCC.
- Withdrawn students who qualify for outside scholarships and aid may also be held responsible for the difference between award amount and balance due to MCCC.
Accepting transfer of credit for another institution is at the discretion of the Adult Education Office. There is no guarantee that transfer of credit is accepted, unless met by the stated guidelines. Acceptance of a transfer credit for a course completed in other post-secondary institutions, when comparable in scope to the coursework offered, may be granted based on meeting the following factors:
- Comparability of the nature, content, and level of transfer of credit and the appropriateness and applicability of the credit earned to programs offered by Medina County Career Center are determining factors in the evaluation process for transfer credit to be awarded.
- The student must also meet the acceptable standards of educational accomplishment through a given assessment selected by the instructor or program coordinator according to the offered course module (must obtain a 70% or better). The assessment will reflect a valid evaluation measure to represent student learning outcomes applicable to that transfer of credit that is reflective of the coursework offered within the Career Development program.
- The course must align with the curriculum, materials, and topics covered in the Medina County Career Center course.
- Evidence of appropriate academic level may also be requested showing satisfactory grades for the course completed as well as a request of the syllabus or study guide for the course.
- Due to all career development programs commencing concurrently, the Medina County Career Center does not permit transfers between programs, once the school year has started.
The decision to accept an academic transfer of credit will include the Director of Adult Education, Program Coordinator, and instructors of Medina County Career Center.
Student Handbook
Admission is open to anyone 16 years or older (unless otherwise noted in the catalog) regardless of educational background.
Students attending a full-time high school must have the permission of their High School Principal and the Director of Adult Education. Approval for admission is determined by the merits of each case.
The Medina County Career Center does not accept credit for experiential learning.
Books are extra and not included in the tuition fee, unless specified. Book information will be provided following registration.
All registrations must be accompanied by full-tuition payment. Fees may be paid by cash, check, MasterCard, VISA, or Discover Card. Registration may be done online or by phone.
Refunds will be issued under the following circumstances:
- Full refunds will be issued when a class is cancelled by the Adult Education Department.
- Students may opt to apply their refund to the next available class.
- Refunds must be requested before the class begins. If a student cancels, prior to the first night of class, a refund will be issued minus the $125 withdrawal fee and the cost of the books. Students withdrawing, after the first night of class, will not be issued a refund.
Refund policies will be strictly enforced. Refund checks due to students who are eligible will be issued from the Treasurer’s Office. Refunds will be mailed within three weeks after the beginning of the class. However, every attempt will be made to process refunds at the earliest date possible.
Certificates of Completion will be issued to students with 80% attendance and who meet minimum skill competency and grade requirements.