Medina County Career Center (MCCC) took great pride in celebrating seniors committed to pursuing skilled career paths and post-secondary education. Sponsored in part by Lowe’s Home Improvement and State Farm Insurance, the celebration was part of the nationwide Career and Technical Student Organizations Signing Day, an event that honors the next generation of skilled professionals critical to the nation’s future.

Superintendent Steven Chrisman conveyed his pride when commemorating this event, “Your dedication and hard work exemplify this institution’s mission and that is we are a learning community, providing students with a competitive advantage through career technical education and academic excellence. You represent everything about that statement that we believe to be true.”

During the event, approximately 160 seniors signed their letters of intent, marking their commitment to their future careers and education. Each student was recognized as they walked on stage to sign their commitment letter, followed by receiving commendations from Medina County Commissioners Steve Hambley and Colleen Swedyk.

“This is a pivotal moment,” emphasized Chrisman. In addition to the signing day festivities, Chrisman presented scholarships to several deserving seniors, highlighting their achievements and readiness to advance in their chosen fields. “We pay tribute to our seniors who have committed to their careers, will continue their education in their chosen technical pathways, and to those that have earned scholarships,” Chrisman added.

The event underscored Medina County Career Center’s role as a leader in preparing students not just for immediate employment, but for additional educational opportunities, truly setting them apart as future leaders in their respective fields!