HS Parent Conferences

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CTE Majors

Please select your student’s teacher/program to begin scheduling your parent/teacher conference.  Select the conference(s) you wish to schedule and enter your names and email. The system will send you a link to choose appointment times. From that link you can also add and change registrations. 

Schedule Parent/Teacher Conference


Appointments with academic instructors are not scheduled via the online conference scheduling application.  You may meet with your student’s academic instructors anytime during your on-campus visit. If you wish to confer virtually, please contact the academic teacher(s) to set-up a virtual conference appointment.

If you do not have access to a computer, wish to schedule an appointment the day of the conference, or have a problem scheduling a conference, please call 330.725.8461: Anna Cass, ext 140 ([email protected]) or Cheri Rozhon, ext 119 ([email protected])



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