Want to go back to school, but need some financial assistance? The Medina County Career Center’s Financial Aid Coordinator may be able to help you.
PELL Grant – minimum 600 hour program required
The Federal Pell Grant Program provides need-based grants to low-income undergraduate (and certain post-baccalaureate) students to promote access to post-secondary education. Pell Grants do not carry a repayment obligation. Full-time courses with 600 or more hours are eligible for Pell Grant funding. Students may not receive Federal Pell Grant funds from more than one school at a time.
Pell Grants are awarded based on need, determined when students complete the Free Application For Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
Students who complete the FAFSA online must enter the Medina County Career Center’s school code so the financial aid coordinators can access the results of the application.
The MCCC SCHOOL CODE is 015612.
Note: Students who have previously completed a FAFSA to enroll in another institution do not need to submit a new FAFSA, but must use their assigned PIN number to edit their FAFSA by adding MCCC’s school code 015612.
Satisfactory academic progress and satisfactory attendance must be maintained for Title IV (PELL) eligibility. MCCC defines Satisfactory Academic Progress as a 70% grade average and 90% attendance rate.
Medina County Workforce Development Center
72 Public Square, 1st Floor
Medina, OH 44256
(330) 723-9675
US Department of Veterans Affairs
Veterans of the United States armed forces may be eligible for a broad range of programs and services provided by the VA. Eligibility for most VA benefits is based upon discharge from active military service under other than dishonorable conditions, and certain benefits require service during wartime.
Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities
The Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities provides services leading to employment for people with physical, mental, and emotional disabilities. Students can contact the BVR to see if they qualify for financial assistance.
Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant (IASG)
The Federal IASG Grant is non-need-based. It is awarded to undergraduate dependents of deceased veterans who died as a result of military service in Iraq or Afghanistan after September 11, 2001. At the time of the veteran’s death, the student must have been enrolled at an institution of higher education or have been 23 years or younger.